
【Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End】Thicc! When Did Fern Start Getting Thicc? A Growth Journey


This article is a translation of the following article from Japanese to English using ChatGPT. I apologize if the English is difficult to understand.

→ 【葬送のフリーレン】太い!フェルンは何歳から丸いのか成長を追ってみた

↓ Translation ↓


Fern from Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End is looking… thick. Round.

Lately, she’s definitely been packing on a bit more, hasn’t she?

And that’s how I tracked Fern’s growth to find out at what age she started becoming thick.


Little Fern

I tracked the growth of Fern from the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End to find out at what age she became the thick and round girl we know, but in her childhood, she already had a round, childlike face and surprisingly broad shoulders.
引用:アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』 第2話「別に魔法じゃなくたって…」

Young Fern, on the edge of the cliff, about to end it all, when Heiter stepped in and saved her.

Sure, she had that round, baby face (as kids do), but let’s talk about those shoulders—surprisingly broad for someone so small.

Makes you wonder if she was just built different from the start, like her whole frame was destined to be sturdy.


Fern at 9

I tracked the growth of Fern from the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End to find out at what age she became the thick and round girl we know, but when Fern first appeared at 9 years old, her face had thinned out a bit compared to her younger years.
引用:アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』 第1話「冒険の終わり」

A young girl calls out to a lost Freiren in the forest. This is Fern’s grand entrance.

Her face has thinned out a bit compared to her younger days, but let’s be real—she’s still got that serious vibe going on.

And that cape?

She’s been rocking it forever, like it’s her prized possession or something.

Guess she really likes the look!


Fern at 10 to 12

I tracked the growth of Fern from the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End to find out at what age she became the thick and round girl we know, but from around 10 to 12 years old, when she stopped wearing the red ribbon, Fern still had a childlike figure.
引用:アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』 第2話「別に魔法じゃなくたって…」

Fern, in that stage where she let her hair grow out and ditched the red ribbon—definitely a glow-up moment, right?

But even with the new look, she’s still rocking that surprisingly kid-like figure.

You’d think by now she’d have grown out of it, but nope, the baby-face vibes and soft edges are still hanging in there, just waiting for their moment.

Fern at 13

I tracked the growth of Fern from the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End to find out at what age she became the thick and round girl we know, but at 13 years old, Fern had a significant growth spurt, her face became more mature, and she was neither thick nor round.
引用:アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』 第2話「別に魔法じゃなくたって…」

Freiren once said, ‘She crossed a path in 4 years that would take most 10.’

Starting her training at 9, that means by 13, Fern had seriously leveled up.

In just a couple of years, she left behind that babyish, ‘thicc and round’ phase.

Suddenly, she shot up in height, and her face took on a much more mature look.

Seems like for a moment there, she really did grow out of that ‘thicc and round’ vibe.

Fern at 15

I tracked the growth of Fern from the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End to find out at what age she became the thick and round girl we know, but at 15, Fern was still shorter than Freiren.
引用:アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』 第2話「別に魔法じゃなくたって…」

After Heiter’s death, Fern sets out on a journey with Freiren.

She’s 15 now, but still shorter than the long-lived elf.

Her body hasn’t changed much since she was 13, still holding onto that slim-but-strong look.

But her face? It’s rounded out again, like the universe couldn’t decide if she was supposed to look more grown-up or stay cute.

Either way, Fern’s stuck somewhere between.

Fern at 16, confidently announcing, ‘I’m the big sister here!’

I tracked the growth of Fern from the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End to find out at what age she became the thick and round girl we know, but at 16, when Fern declared, 'I’m the big sister,' her chest had grown significantly, and she surpassed Freiren in height.
引用:アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』 第3話「人を殺す魔法」

In the span of just one year, Fern goes from 15 to 16, and boom—her chest decides it’s time for a major upgrade.

Suddenly, she’s filling out in ways no one expected, and to top it off, she shoots up in height, finally surpassing Freiren.

Now Fern’s got both the height and the curves, making her sudden transformation impossible to miss. It’s like she leveled up overnight!

I tracked the growth of Fern from the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End to find out at what age she became the thick and round girl we know, but at 16, when Fern declared 'I’m the big sister,' her chest had grown so large that it made it difficult for her to maintain balance.
引用:アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』 第3話「人を殺す魔法」

Fern’s chest growth spurt didn’t just surprise everyone—it’s giving her some unexpected challenges.

Now, balancing on a log? Not so easy anymore.

Seems like her new ‘assets’ are throwing off her equilibrium, making her wobble where she used to breeze through.

Growth spurt perks, right?

Fern at 17

"I tracked the growth of Fern from the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End to find out at what age she became the thick and round girl we know, and by 17, Fern had become both thick and round, suggesting she gained quite a bit of weight between 16 and 17.
引用:アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』 第5話「死者の幻影」

Thicc. Too thicc.

From 16 to 17, Fern didn’t just grow—she bulked up in all directions.

At 16, she was about eye-level with Freiren, but fast forward a year and she’s towering over her, everything about her bigger.

Height, width, you name it—Fern hit that ‘everything’s oversized’ phase hard.

It’s like she leveled up and then some, becoming a force of nature in just one year.

Fern at 18—by now, she’s towering so high that the sky? Yeah, it’s only half-visible.

I tracked the growth of Fern from the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End to find out at what age she became the thick and round girl we know, and by 18, Fern’s chubbiness had her holding donuts in both hands.
引用:アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』 第15話「厄介事の匂い」

Fern’s actions are finally catching up to her size—she’s not just getting bigger, she’s doing things bigger.

Case in point: walking around with a donut in each hand, like it’s no big deal.

Double-fisting donuts? That’s some next-level energy.

Looks like Fern’s fully embraced her ‘thicc’ transformation, and she’s making sure everyone knows it—one sugary bite at a time.”

Fern from the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End is steadily becoming a round and thicc mama, but I got curious—when did she start getting bigger? So, I decided to track Fern's growth from her childhood, through ages 9, 13, 15, 16, 17 (‘when the sky was half-blocked’), and 18, to figure out when she became round and thicc.
引用:アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』 第27話「人間の時代」

Fern’s been spotted turning her stress into snacks—yep, full-on ‘stress eating’ is now part of her routine.

And let’s just say, that emotional munching is only adding to her roundness.

But here’s the kicker: all those extra calories?

They seem to be focusing on a very specific part of her body.

The more she eats, the more certain, ahem, assets keep growing.

Fern’s stress has never looked so… well, curvy.

I tracked the growth of Fern from the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End to find out at what age she became the thick and round girl we know, and by 18, Fern's chest had grown so large that it made Freiren say, 'I could only see half the sky.
引用:アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』 第18話「一級魔法使い選抜試験」
I tracked the growth of Fern from the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End to find out at what age she became the thick and round girl we know, and by 18, Fern's chest had grown so large that it made Freiren say, 'I could only see half the sky.
引用:アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』 第18話「一級魔法使い選抜試験」

This is it.

That specific area of Fern’s body has seen some serious growth, to the point where even Freiren can only catch half a glimpse of the sky.

Fern’s new size isn’t just impressive—it’s literally overshadowing everything around her.

It’s like the sky’s getting crowded out by the sheer magnitude of her, a growth spurt that just refuses to quit!

Conclusion: At What Age Did Fern Get Thicc and Round?

You’re right—it’s that critical year between 16 and 17 where Fern really started to thicken up.

But don’t be fooled—her growth hasn’t hit the brakes yet.

She’s still on the rise, both in size and spirit.

With her personality evolving, Fern’s stepping into full-on ‘mom mode,’ a nurturing force to be reckoned with.

As she continues to grow, both literally and metaphorically, we can expect Fern to become an even bigger (pun intended) symbol of motherly strength.

Let’s look forward to seeing this mama Fern continue to dominate!

→ 葬送のフリーレン フリーレン~黄昏色の魔法~ 1/7 [グッドスマイルカンパニー]《予約受付中!!》 → ねんどろいど 葬送のフリーレン ユーベル[グッドスマイルカンパニー]《予約受付中!!》


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→ 【葬送のフリーレン】エッッッッッッッなフェルンのコスプレイヤーまとめ


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